HCARC Happenings

November 2012


News for Amateur Radio Operators In and Around Hillsdale County


Even though Hurricane Sandy was declared a post-tropical cyclone by the time it made landfall, the storm still had winds in excess of 80 miles per hour.  Hams across the region responded to requests for assistance and activated local nets, supported the Hurricane Watch Net’s and the VoIP Hurricane Net’s operations, assisted their local and state Emergency Operations Centers and provided assistance at shelters and wherever needed.  (ARRL story)



The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that seeks to make changes the Amateur Radio licensing rules.  The FCC proposes to (1) require that Volunteer Examiners (VEs) give examination credit to an applicant who can demonstrate that he or she formerly held a particular class of license, (2) shorten the grace period during which an expired amateur license may be renewed, (3) reduce the number of VEs needed to administer an amateur license examination, (4) amend the Amateur Service rules to allow amateur stations to transmit additional emission types in order to permit Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA).  On October 24, a summary of the proposal was published in the Federal Register and the FCC is seeking comments, which must be filed by December 24.  (ARRL story    Request for comments)



Tuesday, November 6 is Election Day.  In addition to the presidential election, there are many other offices and proposals on the ballot.  At the state level, there are six proposals, senators and representatives, judges and university trustees.  Several countywide offices are on the ballot and depending on your precinct there may be other items to vote on, including a new income tax in Hillsdale City.  You can check if you are registered and find other election information, including a map to your polling place and a sample ballot by checking the Michigan Voter Information Center.  Depending on where you live, there might be 30 or even more items to vote on.  Take some time to print and review your ballot ahead of time to be an informed voter and reduce your time at the polling station.  Show your support for your presidential candidate with a special edition Chia.



The Hillsdale Salvation Army is looking for volunteer bell ringers for the upcoming holiday season.  The Kettle Campaign begins on Friday, November 2 and the goal this year is $170,000.  To volunteer, go to myVolunteerpage.com or call Kathy Stump at 437-4240.  The ARRL and the Salvation Army maintain a Memorandum of Understanding encouraging ongoing liaison with each other.



We are fortunate to have 5 QSL card checkers in Michigan, who provide these services to their fellow hams out of their desire to help promote ham radio awards and DX contacts.  ARRL Michigan leadership has embarked on an effort to have a card checker available at as many hamfests as possible throughout 2013, with a goal to have a checker at 5-7 events across the state.  You can find information about the card checker program at http://www.arrl.org/dxcc-field-checking and search the ARRL database of card checkers at http://www.arrl.org/dxcc-card-checker-search.  Note that none of the Michigan card checkers are able to check 160M cards.  There will be a qualified 160M card checker at the Fort Wayne Hamfest & Computer Expo which will be held on Nov. 17-18.



GRE America recently announced that GRE Japan is temporarily not able to manufacture the GRECOM and Radio Shack branded radio scanners.  Current supplies of scanners and related accessories like the popular preamplifier are low and no replacements will be manufactured.  Warranty service and repairs will continue on existing products here in the U.S. for the foreseeable future.  The database updates for the PSR-800 will also continue.  Read the full announcement at the GRE America website.



Tucked into the U.S. Supreme Court’s agenda this fall is a little-known case that could upend your ability to resell things like electronics, books, artwork, furniture, CDs and DVDs.  At issue is the first-sale doctrine in copyright law, which allows you to resell your stuff without worry because the copyright holder only had control over the first sale.  That’s being challenged for products that are made abroad, and if the Supreme Court upholds an appellate court ruling, it would mean that the copyright holders of anything you own that has been made abroad would have to give you permission to sell it.   (Story at marketwatch.com)



Beginning this winter The Weather Channel will begin naming what it calls “noteworthy winter storms.”  As The Weather Channel explained on its website, “[a] storm with a name is easier to follow, which will mean fewer surprises and more preparation.  In addition to providing information about significant winter storms by referring to them by name, the name itself will make communication and information sharing in the constantly expanding world of social media much easier.”  Reaction has been mixed.  (ARRL story)



Five research CubeSats – all with Amateur Radio communication systems – were successfully deployed from the International Space Station in early October.  The satellites were launched from the Kibo station module using a specially equipped robotic arm.  (ARRL story)



Club Corner

Club officer elections will be held on November 15.  If you are interested in being a club officer, check the club constitution for information about officer duties and election procedures.  Feel free to contact any of the current club officers for more information.  New faces, ideas and energy are always welcome.  If for some reason you cannot be at the meeting be sure to let another member know what office(s) you want to be nominated for.  Need not be present to win. 


A new page has been added to HCARC.com.  The ‘Repeaters’ page lists information for repeaters located within the county.  Check it out!


The next Ham Breakfast will be Saturday, November 10 at 8am at the Coffee Shop, 119 W Main, North Adams (map).  Please come join us.


The next club meeting will be Thursday, November 15 at Hillsdale High School (map) in room 131.  Take Bacon Street to Hornet Drive, then turn left at the top of the hill into the parking lot that long ago was the tennis courts.  Use the north entrance by the generator.


The annual Christmas dinner is tentatively scheduled for December 13 or 20 at a location to be announced.


Don't forget to check in to the Monday night net, held weekly at 7pm on the 147.06 repeater. 


Upcoming Events

November 10 – Ham Breakfast at the Coffee Shop, North Adams (map)

November 15 – Club Meeting and Officer Elections

November 17 & 18 – Fort Wayne Hamfest (info & map)

December 6 – Board Meeting

December 8 – Ham Breakfast

December 13 or 20 – Christmas Dinner (replaces club meeting)


Send us your comments and suggestions to K8HRC@arrl.net

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