HCARC Happenings
October 2013
News for Amateur Radio Operators In and Around Hillsdale County The
next club meeting will be
Thursday, October 17 at 7pm at the First United
Methodist Church, 45 N Manning in Hillsdale (map).
Park in city lot F and use the east entrance off the alley to the
Fellowship Hall in the basement. Attendance
at recent meetings has been weak. This
month the Ham Breakfast will be held
on Saturday, October 12 at 8am at the Coffee
Shop, 119 W Main in North Adams (map).
Please come
join us. Club membership currently stands at 18 as of October 1.
Membership application is available here
(print 2-sided). Club officer elections will be held on November 21.
If you are interested in becoming a club officer, check the club
constitution on our
website for information about officer duties and election
procedures. Feel free to
contact me or any of the current club officers for more information.
New faces, ideas and energy are always welcome. The
annual state Simulated Emergency Test will take place on Saturday,
October 5 starting at 8am and going until noon or 1pm.
The details of the exercise are being closely held at this time, but
will be revealed as the exercise unfolds.
A few things that will be tested will be message handling
capabilities via various modes, including VHF and HF digital as well as
interaction with the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) via various
methods. Hillsdale County
Emergency Coordinator (EC) Dan Sprow KC8RYF will be operating and conducting
any local response from his home QTH, and welcomes anyone that would like to
participate to visit his shack. Volunteers
are always needed to run the Monday Night Ragchew Net.
Check the Calendar
page on the club website for the
schedule and results. And
don’t forget to check in at 7pm every Monday on the 147.06 MHz repeater. This
humorous Velveeta ad featuring amateur radio has been running on TV
for a few months. Click here
to view it. Wayne
S. Green II W2NSD
became a Silent Key on September 13. A
well-known and often outspoken figure during the 1950s and 1960s, Green
helmed CQ Magazine for 5 years before becoming the self-proclaimed “El
Supremo and Founder” of 73 magazine in 1960, which he published until
2003. (ARRL
story) John
E. “Jack” Althouse K6NY
became a Silent Key on September 15. He
penned the “Aerials” columns from 1999 until 2012 and authored books on
antennas for WorldRadio under his alter ego “Kurt N. Sterba”.
story) The
FCC dismissed a petition from a Massachusetts ham that sought to amend the
Part 97 Amateur Service rules to permit the encryption of certain amateur
communications during emergency operations or related training
exercises. The petition,
originally filed on June 7, suggested excepting “intercommunications when
participating in emergency services operations or related training exercises
which may involve information covered by medical privacy requirements or
other sensitive data, such as logistical information concerning medical
supplies, personnel movement, other relief supplies or any other data
designated by Federal authorities managing relief or training efforts.”
The FCC said it received more than 300 comments on the petition, and
those opposing the change outnumbered supporters two to one.
story) (Original
ARRL story) The National
Silent Key Archive of Amateur Radio Operators remains up and running,
even as sister website “Vanity HQ” was taken down earlier this year.
The website includes the ability to research a call sign's history,
something that had been available on the Vanity HQ website.
The National Silent Key Archive provides an opportunity to add Silent
Keys (all submissions are reviewed prior to incorporation into the Archive)
and for friends and family of radio amateurs who have passed on to create
memorial pages that may include photographs and text.
story) (Original
Vanity HQ ARRL Story) In
1939, Michigan became the first state to offer distinctive license plates
to amateur radio operators. Visit
the Michigan
License Plate Collectors Association Amateur Radio Operator web page to
view some samples. The state
currently offers two plate styles for hams, Pure Michigan and Spectacular
Peninsulas (samples).
Click here
for application. The
FCC posted a “Plan
for Orderly Shutdown” in the event that the US government should be
forced to shut down on October 1. Generally,
all FCC activities other than those immediately necessary for the protection
of life or property will cease. (ARRL
story) ARRL
membership certificates
commemorating the League’s 100th anniversary in 2014 now are available. Members logged onto the League’s website can generate their
own certificates or cards online for printing.
story) Ham
Radio in Space The
Air Force Space Surveillance System (the “Space Fence”), used to
detect objects in orbit, was turned off September 1.
Three transmitter sites operated on 216.983, 216.97 and 216.99 MHz,
and there were six receiving stations.
Some Amateur Radio meteor scatter enthusiasts enjoyed monitoring the
VHF transmissions for indications of activity.
story) NASA’s
Juno spacecraft will fly past Earth on October 9 to receive a gravity
assist, putting it on course for Jupiter.
To celebrate, the Juno mission is inviting Amateur Radio operators
around the world to say “HI” to Juno in a coordinated Morse code
message. The Say “HI” to
Juno web page will be updated with additional information as the event
approaches. (ARRL
story) (Hi
Juno website) FCC
License Database Activity in Hillsdale County None
in September FCC
Enforcement News The
FCC’s Enforcement Bureau recently made public warning letters to several
individuals for alleged infractions. Many
of the letters were for out of band operations and based of observations
from Official Observers. (ARRL
story) Upcoming Events October
3 – Board Meeting October 12 – Ham Breakfast at Coffee Shop,
North Adams (map) October
17 – Club Meeting October 20 – Kalamazoo
Hamfest November
7 – Board Meeting November 9 – Ham Breakfast November 16 & 17 – Fort
Wayne Hamfest November
21 – Club Meeting & Officer Elections |
Send us your comments and suggestions to K8HRC@arrl.net